The Story of Warehouse Food Hall

Warehouse was founded with the mission to bring quality food to the people of Craig, as well as provide a launching pad for local restaurants and entrepreneurs. Warehouse is unique from many food halls, in that each restaurant operates independently, which allows our restaurant owners to launch and operate their business without the typical high cost barriers of opening a restaurant. Many restaurant owners start their business at Warehouse, build their own successful brand, and launch into their own restaurant space outside of the Warehouse. Acting as a restaurant incubator, Warehouse inspires each restaurant to take charge of their flavors, ingredients, and relationships with their loyal customers in Craig and beyond.

In addition to restaurants, Warehouse Food Hall also supports local artists, creators, musicians, and farmers through our in-house Market and ongoing events. Any given week, Warehouse is hosting music from a local artists, selling art from a community creator, and bringing folks together in the process.

The Warehouse Food Hall building was purchased by Four Points Funding in 2020 as a part of their effort to lead sustainable development and economic growth across Colorado. Four Points Funding is a place-based investment firm focused on Opportunity Zones in Colorado's emerging communities. Their Opportunity Zone Funds primarily invest in multifamily housing and outdoor hospitality, targeting above-market returns alongside community benefits. Four Points Funding further drives economic growth and stability across target communities with their angel syndicate, West Slope Angels.


 In The Media


2022 Best of Moffat County!

Best New Business

Best Fries

Best Lunch Spot

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Opportunity Zones haven’t fully reached their potential, but don’t write them off yet

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Old Boy-Ko building to feature new options for Craig residents. The Warehouse will feature a Food Hall and a new coffee shop

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